Looks like we finally will have some furniture…

After a few days more with some resistant fever (although an advil shot would lower it for 8 to 12 hours), Leia is finally getting better. She is definitely feeling better given her eagerness to play, and fortunately the antibiotics didn’t provoke any secondary effects like diarrhea or skin rash. Actually her everyday papaya with “Kefir” yogurt has done wonders to regulate her poop habits. Now she poops solid, with almost swiss watch punctuality as she did back in Barcelona. It also means that she is finally adapting to the local food and modified eating hours (as the sun sets around 6pm, she is going to bed about two hours earlier than in Spain)…

Taking care of her has put a break into our search for furniture, which was getting very frustrating for two reasons:
1. There is apparently only one local quality furniture producer in Panama. Almost all the furniture is imported so what you see is what you get: scant choice for colours and any customization, when possible, implies a waiting time between 3 and 5 months to be ordered, produced, imported, released form customs and delivered…
2. There are basically two types of stores: popular stores and Italian design boutiques. In popular stores most of the furniture is of questionable taste and quality. In Italian design boutiques prices defy gravity (a couch may often cost more than a luxury car!). There is also the local show room of the french “Roche Bobois” über-trendy-boutique (we never even got in there because prices belong literally to another galaxy – definitely not our league).

Yesterday (sunday) we decided to take Leia with us and investigate some last furniture stores we had found on Internet or that we discovered getting lost driving… AND THERE WAS LIGHT! We investigated Tempo Design’s second store at Samuel Lewis Ave (we had visited their smaller store at Allbrook Mall). All was at a 50%+ discount and for the price (probably inventory dump before a new container arrival) of a couch we were ready to buy at another store, we bought TWO couches, a Queen bed for Leia, two night tables and a bedroom chest of drawers. We bought in on the spot as we have already lost an opportunity to buy a dining table because we took a few days to think.
This is a low inventory, all imported business so either you are ready to wait months for an order or you have to be quick to buy. Everything should be delivered on the 31st of july, when we should already be back from a short business trip to Guatemala (Leia and Mercedes will be coming with me).

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