In this page you will find the descendants of Bohdan Pawłowicz and Wanda Orla-Salmonowicz.
A page has been opened for each member of the family and the linked names below will take you to the biographical or autobiographical pages on which some information was added. Many pages are still being built and will be updated as the writer(s) decide to include more facts or details.
The genealogical tree of the family can be traced from Mr. Minakowski’s Polish database: Genealogy of the descendants of the Great Sejm.
Leszek Kazimierz Pawłowicz and Krystyna Jolanta Obrębska
- Danuta Helena Pawłowicz and Michael Rogers (divorced)
- Marc David Rogers
- Leszek Miroslaw Pawłowicz
- Wanda Janina Pawłowicz and Thomas Nevin
- Parker Nevin
- Witold Pawłowicz and Anne Marie Campbell
- Kalina Pawłowicz and Will VanderHorst
- Julia Pawłowicz
Hanna Antonina Pawłowicz and Edward Juźwiak
- Barbara Wanda Juzwiak and Pierre René Paul Dieu
- Jean Marc Dieu and Mercedes Banuet Guiot – Leia Dieu
- Jacques Edouard Dieu and Vera Pereira Azevedo (divorced) – Melina Dieu
married Susana Heller - Christophe André Dieu and Camila Lindo (divorced)
- Jacques Edouard Dieu and Vera Pereira Azevedo (divorced) – Melina Dieu
- Mark Piotr Juzwiak and Marianne Collard
- Sybil Juzwiak and Jason Doyle – Ahliyah and Sebastian
- Kalina Juzwiak
- Maja Juzwiak
- Edward Paulo Juzwiak and Gertrude Benedetto Batt (divorced)
- Stéphanie Batt Juzwiak and Ricardo Brasil – Benício
- Darek Batt Juzwiak and Amanda Marques – Sophia
- Wendy Batt Juzwiak
- Jorge Bohdan Juzwiak and Claudia Ridel
- Teressa Ridel Juzwiak and Wim van Herk
- Alexander Ridel Juzwiak and Janina Luisa Magnasco
- Viktor Ridel Juzwiak