3 good news today :)

Today I had three good news:

1. The offer we made for that great apartment appears to have been accepted. After some some hardball negotiations in which we got the price that we wanted, the landlord will install curtains and paint the apartment, we should be signing the contract in the next few days and moving in next saturday! This IS SO GOOD news!!!! 🙂 More on the apartment on a future post (when we have the keys) and key lessons about real estate agents that I already knew but rediscovered first hand…

2. Leia didn’t cry when leaving nursery school today. We were told she is starting to make friends, having some fun and eating well (she was eating very little lately). She is now sleeping like a rock: there is some sort of celebration with insane fireworks next door, and she did not even move…

3. One of the “local” products I thought I would miss the most from Barcelona is… Vichy Catalan sparkling water! When I have stomach acidity problems, this is my best remedy. Look at what I’ve found at Riba Smith (a “posh” supermarket around here) today (See picture)

We also rented a car temporarily (up to now we were renting a car with a driver, a nice guy called Rodolfo – although it was a little expensive…). Now that we more or less know the city, I feel more confident driving by myself.


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